About KalpaRoop

Centre for Indian Classical Music

Founded in 2019 by Dharitree Joshi, KalpaRoop is dedicated to conserving and promoting Indian classical music. We endeavour to nurture musical pursuits by encouraging participants to delve into the rich repertoire of ‘gharanas’ in the long run, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the diverse musical traditions within Indian classical music.

Focusing primarily on Hindustani Classical Music, a tradition deeply rooted in the Northern part of India, KalpaRoop offers rigorous vocal music courses following traditional discipline. Additionally, we offer shorter courses incorporating modern teaching methods to introduce participants to this rich musical heritage and cultivate their appreciation for it.

KalpaRoop strives to make Indian classical music accessible to a broader audience by organizing lecture demonstrations and interactive sessions with experts. We also conduct activity-based workshops for children, aimed at an early introduction to this music.

While our primary focus is on Hindustani music, KalpaRoop also serves as a platform for all Indian classical musical art forms. It is a vibrant hub for artists, providing creative space for them to showcase their talents and share their artistry.

"Our mission is driven by synergy, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence, fostering a sense of community and belonging through the transformative power of music."

Dharitree Joshi

Activities @ Kalpa Roop

Regular courses, Special courses and Sessions

Intensive semester course in Vocal music

 for beginners and intermediate levels

Short courses

 for beginners

Activity based sessions

for kids

Lecture demonstrations by experts

 for beginners

Guided listening and discussions

 for students and their families


Student recitals & Annual Concert

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